Shirley Fay Mackey Martindale, 88 passed away peacefully at home on November 30, 2022. She was born October 20, 1934 in Emmett Idaho, the daughter of Burton and Erma Dayley Mackey. She grew up in Burley, Idaho and in 1955 married Joseph Donel (Don) Martindale in the Idaho Falls temple. They moved to Provo, Utah where Don finished his degree at BYU and they started their lives together. They had 6 children while living in Orem. In 1966 they moved to Tempe, Arizona and the following year twin girls were born, completing their family. In 1997 when their children were all grown, they moved to Mesa, sharing a back fence with their daughter, Marie’s family.
Shirley was an angel with a loving heart for all, especially children. She devoted her life to her family, homemaking and serving others. Her grandchildren looked forward to birthdays with special one-on-one time with Grandma. She loved gardening, composting and tending to her flowers, creating bouquets to share with neighbors. She always had a song in her heart and was often heard singing as she attended to her children and home. She was a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints serving wherever called.
Shirley is survived by her husband and her 8 children: Alan (Marla Martindale), Kent (Estrella Martindale), Marie (Craig Tate), Kalene (Tom Sims), Brenda (Carl Gwilliam), LeAnn (Larry Ruettinger), Denise (Mark Bohn), Darla (Tere Lemieux), 40 grandchildren, 99 great grandchildren and 2 great-great grandchildren. She is also survived by three sisters Kerry Thompson, Nola Hancey, and Linda Blake.
Visitation will be at 10:00 am at the LDS Chapel at 2618 N. Lindsay Road, Mesa, AZ 85213. The funeral will follow at 11:00 am. Shirley will be interred in the Mesa City Cemetery. Arrangements are being handled by Bunker’s Mortuary.
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Arrangements by Bunker’s University Chapel, Should this obituary appear anywhere but, please check our website for accurate details and service information.
I’ll always remember Shirley as a kind, gentle friend married to my husband’s best friend. She also is a sister to My husband’s brother, Jim’s, wife. Our family traveled many times to visit their family enjoying their good food and friendly family. We’ve had many good memories of Her and her family. She will be missed. Our prayers goes to Donel and His family at this time.
Shirley was my sister by marriage I love her and miss her . I always knew if I needed someone I could talk to laugh with, or cry to it was Shirley .She kept every confidence and had a way of turning a frown into a smile . She loved everyone, her children their pets and their friends. I look forward to seeing her again and am sure her sister Marjorie is thrilled to have her home, as well as her grandson and parents also my parents. Till we meet again . love Joyce
My family moved to Arizona in August of 1970 when I was nine years old. Our house didn’t have any power when we got there, and the Martindale family were the first people we met that night. They helped us get sorted and invited us over to swim in their awesome pool, which 9-year-old me thought was the coolest thing ever. Kalene and I became best friends and remain so to this day. I don’t ever remember her mom without a smile on her face, and she was always so cheery and happy to see me when I came over. Someone was always playing the piano in their home, and there were always good smells and delicious food. Their home was always a sanctuary, with Shirley at the heart of it. All my love and condolences to the whole family.