We own and operate our crematory, meaning your loved one will never leave our care during the cremation process. Many funeral homes subcontract their cremations to a third-party making quality control almost impossible. By choosing Bunker Family Funerals & Cremation you can rest assured that our compassionate staff members, and no one else, will be caring for your loved one at all times.
We believe in transparency. A family should have confidence in the people caring for their loved one and in the facility where the cremation is taking place. This is why we welcome families to take a tour of our immaculate crematory facilities at any time and meet our cremation manager. A first-class crematory should have nothing to hide.
We have an extensive list of line items that several members of our staff are required to sign-off on to assure that we are meeting the families’ expectations. We set higher standards than those set by the State and other cremation providers to assure that the cremation of your loved one is done in the most caring, dignified manner.
Some people mistakenly think that they are limited in the service options available to them if they choose cremation. This is not true. Those who choose cremation still have the option of having a visitation and a funeral service, just like those families who choose to have their loved one buried. Below are the service and merchandise options available to those who choose cremation for their loved one.
A visitation, often called a viewing, is an opportunity to interact with friends and family usually with the casket and deceased loved one present. This can be done at one of our beautiful facilities, or at another location of your choice. In the case of cremation, a cremation casket can be purchased, or a casket with a special insert can be rented from the funeral home. Though a number of people choose to have this open to the public, you are certainly permitted to invite only close friends and family members. A visitation is usually held the night prior and/or just prior to the funeral service.
A Funeral Service is an opportunity for family and friends to get together in a more formal setting and celebrate the life of the lost loved one through written speeches, songs, and shared memories. With that said, we encourage families to commemorate their loved one’s life in the way they see most appropriate. A funeral usually takes place in one of our funeral chapels, or an offsite church building. The word funeral implies that the body is present.
A memorial service is just like a funeral service, except the body of the deceased person either isn’t present or is present after the cremation has taken place. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with close friends and family to share memories and offer support for one another. Like a funeral, this is usually done in one of our facilities or a local church building of your choice.
Though many places have extra charges for people to see their loved one again, we believe this is an important part of the healing process and it’s included in our basic cremation service.
We understand the sacred nature of cremation and provide you with the best selection of urns. From bronze to marble to wood, we are here to help add that personal touch.
Some families choose to bury the urn and cremated remains. If this is your preference, urn vaults are available for the protection of the urn and cremated remains of your loved one.
Be sure to ask our staff which merchandise can be customized to specifically honor and celebrate your loved one. A number of the caskets and vaults offer unique personalization options that will further commemorate their life.
Ask your funeral director about other service options that are available to you. These may include funeral escorts, a balloon release, dove release, limousine rentals, bagpipe players, and more.
Bunker Family Funerals & Cremation has been serving families of Mesa, Arizona and surrounding areas for over a century. If you would like more information regarding our different services please call (480)964-8686 to schedule an appointment.
Download our free ’12 Questions to Ask About Cremation’ checklist to help you select a crematorium that suits your specific needs: Download PDF