Richard Roland Nielsen, 65 passed away in the comfort of his home in Mesa, AZ surrounded by his wife, and family.
Rick was born April 6, 1956 in Mesa, AZ to Roland and Charlene Nielsen. Rick was the 4th child born right in the middle of six sisters, who he remained close to his entire life.
Rick’s childhood was filled with adventure, sports, fun, and jokes with the neighborhood 7th street gang who remained close with him until the end. Rick graduated in 1974 from Westwood High where he held records in pole vaulting for 7 years.
Rick will be remembered for his funny faces, infectious laugh and his heart of gold. His sisters never once heard him raise his voice. He was always gentle, kind, and patient. Rick was a loyal, hard-working employee for Foxworth-Gailbraith for over 25 years, and just recently retired.
He was preceded in death by his parents, sister Vicki, and his first wife, Lisa. He is survived by his wife Stephanie, his stepdaughter Makayla Powell, and his grandson “Little Fella“ Caden. Rick is also survived by his stepchildren from his marriage to Lisa: Katy (Gilbert) Shupe, Zach and Thomas Whitney and five grandsons: Owen, Dean, Charlie, Tyler and Wyatt. Also survived by five sisters: Carolyn (David, deceased) Smith, Paula (Tracy) Olson, Janice (Charlie) Standage, Tammy (Curtis) Swanson, Melody (Steven) Rowley, and many nieces and nephews who loved him dearly.
Viewing will be held Friday, September 17, 2021 at 6:00-8:00 PM at Bunkers Garden Chapel. 33 North Centennial Way in Mesa, Arizona. Additional viewing will be held Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 9:00 AM at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 933 East Brown Road in Mesa, Arizona. Funeral Service to follow on Saturday morning at the same location.
For those wanting to watch the services remotely please visit the following link: Live Streaming
We count ourselves very lucky to have known the Nielsen family through good times and hard times-we moved into the 28th Ward in July 1975 with no children-Jonathan was born in December 1977 and when he was almost 3, I went back to work at Skaggs-Charlene was our babysitter for Jonathan and we couldn’t have asked for a more caring caretaker-we were fortunate to have her. Her health became an issue for her when she became diabetic and lost her sight but we never worried because we knew there were others at the home and they ALL were so good to Jonathan and Thanner-Jonathan became a big brother in January 1984. Surely there is a great reunion going on with all the Nielsens, Dees, Halls on the other side of the veil. Our hearts and prayers are with you all at this time. We love all of you
Roman and Nancy Darien Family
I love my uncle Rick. He always helped me put a smile on my face. Even now as I think about him and his life.
My Uncle Rick is a treasured part of our family who taught me many lessons about life. From playing catch in the backyard to fix my “pancake hands” to watching by example his courage to make his life everything he wanted it to, and then long talks with he and Steph about important, beautiful truths; he was everything I could have asked for in an uncle and more. I’m grateful for his life and the time me, my children & grandchildren were able to have with him. It’s nice to know we have another Angel looking out for us. Love You Rick.
My Uncle Rick is one of a kind and is missed greatly. Love you!