Richard Parker Moffat Jr., known to all as Parker, passed away on October 22, 2020 while his family watched from a phone outside of the hospital. He suffered a heart attack believed to be caused by an infection in his lungs and blockages to his heart. The real cause of death may actually be a result of giving his heart away throughout his 68 years.
“Park”, as the second of seven, learned the art of caring for others early. His brother Roger said, “as my older brother, I have always looked up to Parker and strived to be like him.” His baby sister Mindy said of her brother, “He was my rock and my steady. He was at all my major milestones when dad couldn’t be there. He always made me feel taken care of.”
Parker leaves behind “the zig to his zag”, his sweetheart Peggy. They were family friends when they were young, and Peg said, “I loved him from the minute I knew him. I knew he was going to be my husband.” She called him her quiet silent type man, the background man. If she made dinner, he washed the dishes. When she hosted parties, he built her extra-large tables to hold her big family. He set up the jokes, and she had the punchline. When James Taylor was on, he took the lead, and they danced cheek to cheek. On November 7, they would be married 46 years.
“Pa” will also be greatly missed by his 6 children. Parker is one to quietly and quickly respond to his family when needed. His siblings and children can each recall numerous things that have been fixed, painted, created, or solved by him during his visits. It brought him joy to show up in his “paint clothes” to work for those he loved. This year alone, he personally painted walls in three of his kid’s homes.
“Grandpa”, or “Papa”, also leaves 18 brokenhearted grandchildren, ages 17 to 10 months. Few enjoyed holding babies or bouncing toddlers on his knees as did this sweet-hearted old man. Somewhere, Parker is walking a beach, with wet sand in his toes, softly talking to the baby in his arms. His oldest grandchild, Jacie, 17, has a photo of her grandpa fishing with her as a little girl and she captioned it “another angel.” His influence on these children will be profound and leave a legacy of one who gave his heart to others.
His loss will be felt among the community and shared by many as he served in his church and ministered to hundreds over the course of his life. He helped to create smiles all over the valley as the owner of Moffat Dental Ceramics for over 40 years. He created lifelong friendships with many doctors and staff. One doctor and friend said this week, “I loved coming to chat with Parker. He made me late for many appointments talking with him.”
He went about doing good, quietly serving his neighbors, his friends, his family, and those in his church. Charity and service were his gifts, and he brought joy, and homemade ice cream to countless homes. If he disappeared on any given evening, you could likely find him in the bedroom or doorstep of a dear friend or family with carton of love and a comforting hug.
He is preceded in death by his father, Richard Parker Moffat, and his sister Marty Slade. He is survived by his wife Peggy (Arnett) Moffat, his mother Lorraine Moffat, and his siblings Chris/Kent Rhodes, Merry Anne/Steve Prince, Craig/Diana Moffat, Roger/Christine Moffat, and Mindy/Eldon Thomas.
He also leaves his children Rich/Loretta Moffat, Rob/Courtney Moffat, Mac/Camille Moffat, Jacob/Emily Moffat, Megan/Chris Clifford, and Madison/Jon Lemaire.
His grandchildren: Jacie Moffat, Cameron Moffat, Jonathan Parker Moffat, Daisy Moffat, Sabrina Moffat, McKenna Moffat, Chantelle Moffat, Jay Moffat, Zac Moffat, Jasper Moffat, Sterling Moffat, Violet Moffat, Ruby Moffat, Boston Clifford, Reese Clifford, Emery Clifford, Dallas Clifford, and Bennett Lemaire.
A viewing will be held Sunday November 1, 2020 at Bunker Family Garden Chapel 6:00-8:00 PM. Masks required and social distancing enforced.
Funeral services will be held 10:00 AM Monday, November 2, 2020 at Parker’s home church building. Seating will be limited with masks required and social distancing enforced. The services will also be streamed live. Click to participate online.
Parker will be buried in the Mesa Cemetery.
He will be greatly missed! Such a fine man and legacy. I know he’s so proud of all of you, and rightly so! My love and prayers are with you.
The loss of Parker Moffatt in our neighborhood has been painful at the least. I still can’t wrap my head around it. Parker was our bishop, neighbor, friend and came with Rob Jarvis many times over the past few months to pass me the sacrament. They always stayed at least an hour to chat and visit which was greatly appreciated. I feel sad for Peggy his children grandchildren and our neighborhood. His loss will always be Feld. ??
Dear Peggy,
I was shocked to hear of Parker’s passing this past week from our Bishop Arnett. IT was my honor to have served together with Parker on the Kimball Stake High Council Under the leadership of President Lee Huber. Parker was a wonderful example of spiritual strength and service that very much influenced that quorum. No doubt the Lord has him busy now, in His continued service on the other side of heaven. Until you are reunited, may the binding ties of your temple covenants, along with your many memories together, be your solace until you meet again on the streets of glory.
Doug and Tammy Lewis
I love you Parker and Peggy!! You guys are special to me and because of the example of people like you that I was able to finally go to the temple for the first time last year. Our family really has something special and I’m lucky to be in the same family as you. I will miss you Parker!!
Parker and the whole Moffat family hold a special place in my heart. His big hugs, warm smile and gentle heart were a strengthening force in my insecure teenage years. I always felt welcome and loved by him and Peg. My heart aches at your loss and yet rejoices in the knowledge of his place in heaven. We send our love and sympathy and pray for your peace and comfort.
With heavy hearts we want to express our love to your whole family. Having been in the ward together all these years we have great and wonderful memories to help carry us on. How your family have lifted our lives with music and love. Parker will be missed. May God comfort and hold you during this time and during the days to come.
Dear Lorraine and Peggy, My breath was taken away when I opened Bunker obituaries and saw of Parker’s passing. He must have been needed by our Lord and Savior. I remember the kindness Peggy and Parker showed to our family when Norman passed. I still use and enjoy the the plant in my home. I know the Holy Ghost will be with you and your families until he knows you are strong. I felt his influence for many days. God bless you all.
Dear Parker:
… And, my friend, I mean “dear”. I cherish our friendship and late night conversation with a person who knew how to love with the pure love of Christ. My regret is not telling you eye to eye from my heart how grateful I am to you not only for what is in my mouth but, more importantly, what is and will always be in my heart. Now I am telling God to pass my gratitude on to you as I pray for you and your incredible family. See you my friend, “by and by.” Love, Lance
(P.S. “Break a Leg” in your new gig (-:)
Dear Moffat Family ,
What an incredible blessing it has been to know Parker and your entire family and to call you friends. We cherish our memories of sharing joyful times with you! Parker was always such a powerful presence for kindness and serving. He had such a “shepherd’s heart” and reflected His Savior in word,deed, and spirit! We weep with you at this time of tender parting.
May you know that profound peace that is promised as you move forward on your own mortal journeys- knowing that Parker is busily preparing for your reunion with him in those heavenly realms he has entered. We love you!
David and Becky Nielsen
Our hearts break for your loss.
Parker is the best of the best and the pain of loosing him is felt far and wide.
We have no doubt he is kicking butt on the other side!
Our love and thoughts are with the family.
We are truly heartbroken at Parker’s passing. We remember his love for our twins in nursery and the fun conversations we had at different activities. We pray for peace and strength at this time for your family.
We were sadden to hear of Parker’s passing. My sweet son Ryan and I cried together. Ryan has fond memories of Parker and Peggy as his cub scout leaders. I served with Parker and Peggy in nursery. I quietly observed the love and devotion they had to each other, the Gospel and the primary children. The nursey kids adored Parker. There were many times when a child would start coming to nursey and have a challenging time leaving a parent. It was almost always Parker who became their preference and it was his arms where they felt safe. Whether it was as scout leaders, or when my kids came looking for me after church, Parker and Peggy made my children feel welcome and loved. I will remember his kindness and loving demeanor. I pray for the entire Moffat family because if we, as ward members feel this loss, I can only imagine how difficult it is for Parker’s family.
He will be missed. He was my great bishop and friend. I’m glad I got to serve in the nursery with him and Peggy. He was so loving to those sweet kids. My prayers go out to all the Moffat’s and especially Peggy during this heartbreak. May the spirit comfort you during this loss. Love you all,
Misty Selvidge and family
Parker (and Peggy) feel like a second set of parents… even though we have only known them for a handful of years. We suspect what makes Parker so special is that he made everyone feel like that. He is as good of a man as we have ever known and our lives have been blessed by knowing him. Hoping and praying heaven sends it’s healing peace to the Moffat family.
I’m so sad to hear this news. I have fond memories of Parker. I always enjoyed being in the presence of he and his sweetheart Peggy. I will miss him. My love and prayers to you Peggy and family.
We were shocked and saddened to learn of Parker’s passing. Heaven gained a giant of a man! The Alston’s truly love the Moffat family! All our love and prayers are with you at this time. ❤️❤️❤️
Parker was a loving father figure to everyone who entered his home. I remember many a nights spent chatting with the Moffat family, and Parker always had some words of wisdom to contribute. He holds a dear place in the hearts of many of his kids’ friends, including mine. He will be dearly missed.
So sad to hear of Parker’s passing into the Spirit World so young. He was a very good artist in his business and some of his workmanship is still in my mouth to prove it. He has a wonderful wife and family. May our loving Heavenly Father grant peace and comfort to you, Peggy, and your children. “IF walls could talk, what stories they could tell”. Parker was a good man and always friendly to be around. We will miss him.
Still in disbelief at Parker’s passing. Such a wonderful example & friend. We were so incredibly blessed to serve with Parker & Peggy in Nursery. All the little ones adored & loved Parker. He was the one they would go to to be soothed, he was everyone’s favorite. We are so thankful for our time with Parker & what we learned by watching him & his sweetheart serve together. What a tremendous loss. We are sending our love & continual prayers to the entire Moffat family. Love you so much Peggy.
To one of my favorite families, the Moffat’s. I’ve been blessed to know your family for almost 35 years and am so lucky to consider some of you like brothers (Rich and Rob). I’m so sorry to hear of Parker’s passing. He was so funny, amazing and a great example of what a father and husband should be. I love your family so much, you have meant a lot to me all of these years. I’m so sorry for your loss but am so thankful to have known your family and will always have the best memories from the good ole days. Peggy, you and Parker were such a sweet example of a couple who loved to have fun and truly cared about each other. You were always laughing together and loved being with each other. Those are great memories I will never forget. I know the Lord will look out for you during this hard time and so will your ward family. We all love you so much.
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen Parker, but my memories of him are still filled with fondness for the fun, kind, loving guy who always made me feel like I was someone special. May your many, many great memories of him carry you through your sorrow. “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Hugs to you and yours, Peggy and Lorraine.
I am deeply sorry for your loss. Parker was a steady, kind and always helpful landlord for over 10 years. But I also saw a hard working business owner who was always patient, fair and caring; a loving and devoted family man; and my friend. I already miss you, Parker. My thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to his family and friends. May his light be in heaven.
We were so sad to hear of the passing of Parker. What a wonderful man. He loved and served so many. Heaven must have need this great man. We were the recipients of some of his delicious ice cream. We pray for the Lord’s spirit will be with you and your wonderful family during this time. Hugs to you Peggy!
Park was a great friend, and what a blessing in our lives to have lived a couple of doors down from the Moffat family for 6 years. Absolutely Park will be missed and our hearts go out to Peg, the children, and grandchildren as they deal with this sudden change in their lives. What comfort to have a knowledge of Gods plan and also to know that Parker has been met by his amazing dad and sister. Just wondering now who will step up and become the family homemade ice cream master??
Peg, we are so deeply saddened at the passing of your eternal sweetheart and boyfriend. Parker was a great man with so many wonderful qualities and Christ like attributes but my favorite thing about him was how happy he made you and how much you guys enjoyed being together. May you feel him close this week and in the coming days. Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your beautiful family. Love you dear cousin!
My dear Peggy,
We hope and pray that you will be buoyed up by God’s love for you and Parker. Our hearts are broken for you.
Love you all ,Moffat family! Bishop was there for me at a pivotal time in my life- I got married right as he got released. Always kind and happy. Forever grateful for his influence as neighbors and friends!
We are so sorry for your loss. Parker was a great man showing kindness and love to everyone. Our thoughts and prayers are with your sweet family.
I love you Moffats! Parker is a sweet man that will be greatly missed. Our prayers and love are being sent to heaven in your behalf.
Peggy, we are so truly sorry to hear this news. I’ll never forget how much you & he seemed to enjoy seeing Kate in Little Shop. Sending you the biggest virtual hug??
All of us cousins are behind you and your family Peg. I know you have great support close to you and of course, God will prevail when we let him and even when we don’t let him. I always giggled with satisfaction when you would call Parker your “boyfriend”. Truly you two were a great example of team work who served others in many ways and at many, many times. We love you. Mary Ann
So sad to hear of Parker’s passing. Parker is a stalwart, an example of a disciple of Jesus Christ, and a friend to all. I’m thankful for Parker and his family for their example to the Bunker family when we were in their ward. Love and condolences to all! Shauna
We are so sorry. Our prayers and love are with your family.
Even though we haven’t lived in the neighborhood for many years, I still remember brother Moffatt as always being kind and thoughtful and also having a great sense of humor! I’m so very sad to hear the news of his passing. Lots of hugs and prayers for Peggy and family that God will strengthen and comfort you in the days to come! I know Parker will be watching over you!
Parker was the best Bishop and next door neighbor I could have asked for. He helped me through some tough years when I was trying to find my way. He was the nicest person and always had a smile on his face. The Moffats are one of my favorite families in the world and we are so, so sad. We will miss you Parker.
We are shocked to learn of the loss of Parker. We were so fortunate to have met Parker each of the last couple years when we came to Phoenix for our annual fall visit. It had become a small tradition to stop by one evening on each trip to see Peg & Parker. Parker had such warmth and good nature. Our deepest sympathies to Peg and family.
Dear Peggy,
Our hearts are breaking at the news of Parker’s passing. You two were such a power couple and could accomplish anything! You two have always been a tremendous example to us and our children. May you be wrapped in the arms of our Savior as you learn to go forward without your sweetheart at your side, although I believe he will still be very close. May our Heavenly Father’s choicest blessings be with you and your family until you and Parker are together again. HUGS!!! Becky
Our family are so sorry that you have to go through this but know that our thoughts and prayers go with you and the kids and grandkids(some of which we are lucky enough to share). Ron and Karen
What a beautiful tribute to a truly Christlike man. He & Peggy are wonderful friends and though miles have separated us, we treasure our past times together. Parker will be missed. Our prayers and best wishes to Peg and the family. Thanks for streaming his services.
Peg- We are so very sorry to hear about your sweetheart, Parker! We feel heavy hearted for you. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this hard hard time! Please know that your Whatcott cousins are mourning with you, and that we love you!
Dear Peggy and Family, please know how sorry I was to hear of Parker’s passing! The very few times of interaction, I had with him, at family events, he was always so very kind! You and all his loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers!
Much love to you cousin! Deena
Dearest Lorraine and Peggy, I worked for Dr. Richard Moffat back in 1968-1971. I dearly loved him and his family. I fondly remember Parker coming into the office. He was such a fun young man. I remember his laughter. He father truly loved that young boy. I was so saddened to hear of his passing. May Heavenly Father hold you and your family close. I will forever be grateful for the part Dr. Moffat played in my life. There are very few men that I hold in my heart with such great respect. He is one of them. I know Parker followed in his fathers footsteps. He sounds like an amazing Husband, Father , Grandfather and Friend to many.