Mellani John Phelps, born in Denver Colorado on May 21, 1951 to Harold LaMell John and Madge Hawkins John, passed quietly from this world on 15 May 2022 into the care of a Loving Heavenly Father, her Savior, Jesus Christ- and predeceased family members waiting to welcome her. She will be missed by her husband of forty-nine years- Jay Russell Phelps and her children Reesa Kriser, Blair Phelps, Dason Phelps, and Grandchildren Sunshine Phelps, Rusty Phelps, Stella Mae Phelps, and Raquelle Phelps, Brothers Todd (Donna), Drew (Debbie), Jace (Wendy), Grady (Charmine), and Sister Paula Crosby (Rick).
Mellani was a constant blessing in the lives of her husband, children, grandchildren, and other extended family members; all the Nursery and Primary children she taught for years at church; and the students that she befriended, and helped as she worked as secretary at several Charter Schools in Mesa. She faithfully served a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints indexing names in the Family Search Program.
Over the years Mellani expressed her wish that when she was called to the other side, it would happen quickly, surrounded by those she loved, and be pain and distress free: We are grateful that our gracious Heavenly Father granted that blessing.
At 10:00 AM Central Time (8:00 AM Arizona time) on Saturday 28 May 2002, there will be a Streaming Video via Zoom of her funeral to be held at the Temple (TX) First Ward, 3909 Ermine Trail. Check with Scanio-Harper Funeral Home, Temple, TX under ‘Mellani Phelps” for the internet connection and other Funeral information.
The Zoom link is:
On Tuesday 31 May 2022 there will be a Viewing at the Bunker Funeral Home, 3529 E. University Drive in Mesa, AZ, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. There will be a graveside dedication of her grave the next morning, June 1 at 9:00 AM at the Mesa City Cemetery 1212 N Center, Mesa, AZ 85201.
We invite family and friends to come, but if not possible please check the Obituary section of the two Funeral Homes and please leave a comment, memory, praise, or blessing.
Aunt Mellani had a ready happy smile and always encouraged me. She made the best cooling fruit salad for every family gathering. As an adult I loved her bubbly, cheerful personality, great laugh, and spunk, even more! I’ve pictured the joyful welcome I’m sure she received from loved ones as she returned home, but I will miss her!
Our prayers continue to go out to Blair, Dason, Reesa, Uncle Russell and each member of your families. Although the miles prevent us from being there in person for the celebration of Aunt Mellani’s life, please know our hearts are there with you!
I still cannot believe Mama Mel is gone but so thankful for the blessing of knowing her along with the many chats and laughs shared. She definitely left a lasting impression on our family. Thoughts and prayers are with the Phelps family during this difficult time.
Mellani was so much more than a friend to our family! I so enjoyed her fun attitude in Primary – we sort of laughed together more than was appropriate! She was treasured by everyone in Primary – but no one loved her more than her class! She touched each child in countless ways!
Mellani was a wonderful and treasured friend by my mom-in-law, LaDonna! They always had fun and mom came home exhausted but so happy! Mellani took mom on her last ever shopping afternoon! They adored each other! I’m sure they are organizing parties in heaven!
We will miss you in this world Mellani, see you (not too soon-LOL) in heaven❤️
Bruce and I we’re so sorry to hear of Mellani’s passing. So glad she went to her Father in Heaven as she wished. I loved seeing her and talking with her at work. She made everyone feel special including me. She will be missed by her family and friends but what a wonderful home coming she’s having in paradise. Your family has been in our thoughts and prayers especially her wonderful companion. May you have peace through this difficult time is our prayer.
Our family loves Sister Phelps so much! She was the most incredible and devoted primary teacher! She loved the kids she taught so much and they felt it! She was so complimentary and always had a smile and a hug! We love you Sister Phelps!
My life over the past 19 years may have been very different without Mellani. In 2002, when she was between jobs, she spent months taking me to the police station in downtown Mesa to drop off and pick up my toddler son for visitation with his father. (I did not have a car for several months that year, nor did I have a family member who was available to help me.) Mellani did this twice a day for an average of 5 days per week. She never wanted to be reimbursed for her gas. She did it willingly and happily. On those occasions, she witnessed the way my ex-husband treated me and our son. Later, in February 2003, she went to court with me to testify in front of the judge. Her testimony to the judge was the extra witness I needed to get my ex-husband out of our lives for good. Instead of losing custody of my son (as a previous judge had threatened to do), I got to keep my son and raise him with the gospel and in a loving home. I will forever be grateful for Mellani’s service to us. It was above and beyond what I could ever expect anyone to do for me. And it’s something I could never repay…Later, Mellani and Russ served as my son’s Primary teachers. They also watched him grow up and were always kind to him. I am grateful for Mellani’s good heart, kindness, commitment to doing what’s right, and love of serving others. I believe she has made a difference not only in my life and my son’s life, but in many, many people’s lives. I love her and miss her. Before she moved to Texas, she was my Primary teaching partner, and I got to talk to her every week in Primary. My love for her grew even more then. I’m so glad she got to spend the end of her life near her grandchildren, in Texas. She loved them dearly and spoke of them often. Thank you to all the Phelps family for being a part of our lives–Reesa for being my friend when I got home from my mission, Dason and Blair for being best buddies to my youngest brother during their teen years, Mellani for all her service and love, and Russ for putting up with me when I was the ward music chair. May God bless you all and be with you, especially at this time.