It is said that death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory no one can steal. While the passing of Bala Malhotra Sibal has left a void, which can be felt in all of our hearts, we can all lean on the countless memories we all have with her to help aid us in this time of grief. Today we remember an individual whose grace and beauty was only matched by her compassionate and loving soul, which touched many individuals.
Bala Sibal was born on February 9 1939 in Jhelum India to Sushila and RC Malhotra. She was the apple of their eyes, a daughter who answer to both of her parents’ prayers of having a daughter whose smile was only matched by her love and kindness. As their first child she was tasked in helping raise her sisters Usha and Dolly Malhotra and her brothers Subash and Sharat Malhotra a task that she didn’t take lightly. She felt it was her upmost duty to make sure her siblings followed a righteous path in life, and to be an example of how one must act and treat individuals. Her efforts where successfully as all of her siblings took her lead and become respectable and loving individuals who always remembered the lessons which she instilled in them when they where children.
This responsibility grew on August 11, 1960 when she married Ravinder Sibal in Delhi and began the arduous task of raising her own family. The journey began on June 26 1962 when she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy girl named Naina, a child who Bala’s love for was unmatched. Bala and Ravinder’s family grew on March 9 1964 when she gave birth to Jiten, a son whom Bala’s heart melted over, and one who she knew would amount to great things in his life. As they grew older and further apart the family’s love for one and another never faltered due in no small part to the lessons and values Bala had instilled in her two children, the same values she had placed in her siblings.
Her expertise and guidance was once again necessary on May 23 1984 when her daughter Naina gave birth to her first grandchild Sakshi, someone who Bala saw her daughter in. Her role was only made more important after the births of her other four grandchildren, Nandani, Hriday, Hardik, and Khushi. All 5 of them meant the world to Bala and she loved her new role as someone who was responsible for teaching these children the importance of being kind and gentle souls, and to teach them the upmost importance of becoming the change they wanted to see in the world. All five of her grand children as with both of her children and all four of her younger siblings took the lessons and values which where instilled in them to become amazing young adults who strive to be as kind and generous as she was.
On this day we are saddened by her loss, but we mustn’t forget her legacy for she is responsible for 3 generations of her family growing up as individuals who never forget the importance of not only grace but also being kind and loving individuals who strive for better in the world and in themselves. Individuals who because of her already have or will one day start families and instill the same valuable lessons in their children and grandchildren. Such an achievement should never be forgotten.